+48 505 084 079
home / hunting areas / South of Poland / Hunting Club Wieniec
Region: Dolnośląskie - Area is located at about 10km east from Gurlitz (German Border)
Area: In total 10.500ha; included 2000ha Forest. Rest area consist of meadows, fields,
Accommodation: kategory "S" Pension located on border of area and Zgorzelec City
Game: 10-12 Roebucks (average weight is 280-350g) but there is possible to get over 400g also but not so offen. There is possible to shoot wild-boar during roebucks hunt also. Driven-hunt - 1-2 days for wild-boar, red-deer and roe-deer. Statistically row of game is 1-1,5 head of game per hunter per day. We can organize other 1-2 days in neighborhood area
Details: It is very interesting hunting areawith forest and many fields where is food for game all year . Neighborhood areas have more forests so when food is less in the forest than all game is focus in Wieniec Hunting Club. On this area are shooting year to year 200wild-boars, over 80 red-deer and 140 roe-deer. It is also very interesting localization because you can't drive long distance inside Poland. Accommodation is located only at about 5-7km from border. All rooms have bathroom, TV. Inside pension you can use Internet WiFi also and around is safe parking.
Our Hunting Office
"OSTOJA" Hunting Office Tel: +48 505084079, Tel: +48 507924005, Fax: +48 618436345, biuro@ostoja-hunting.pl