+48 505 084 079
home / hunting areas / South of Poland / Hunting Club Gwizd
Region: Dolnośląskie - this hunting area is located about 130km of the east from Zgorzelec (Grman border)
Area: in all 4.500ha; 1080ha is forest
Accommodation: category "S" Hotel in Sady Dolne or cat I Private house
Game: 15-20 roebucks (average 300-350g) but there is possible to meet over 450g. The top buck had 600g net Driven-hunt for minimum 10 Hunters. Term November or December and January to establish. It is possibilities make 2 day driven-hunts in Gwizd HC and 1 day of driven-hunt in neighborhood hunting area. Statistically row of game 1-1,5 head of game
Details: This is beautiful area. One part is located in Mountains, other part on flat area, both part are neighbor. During driven-hunt we organize 4-6 drives in mountain part because it is very difficult area and 6-8 drives on flat area. Hunting plane is: 180 wild-boars, 25 red-deers, 100 roe-deer. Sometimes is happen, that when is strong winter and we have a lot of snow area in mountain is unavailable and we hunt only in flat area but then all game from mountain walk to flat area because there is more food for them and hunting is more interesting. But then we organize 1-2 hunting days in Gwizd and 1 day in neighborhood area which is similar. Statistically row of game 1-1,5 head of game.
This hunting area is dedicated for hunters with good physical condition. This is not so big area but very reach in game. There are little forest which are join to one bigger complex, thanks it we can organize there 2 days driven-hunt,. Besides forest we have there many bushes on the meadow, where game also is.
Our Hunting Office
"OSTOJA" Hunting Office Tel: +48 505084079, Tel: +48 507924005, Fax: +48 618436345, biuro@ostoja-hunting.pl