+48 505 084 079
home / hunting areas / South of Poland / Hunting Club Bażant South of Poland
Region: Dolnośląskie - this hunting area is located about 30km of the south- east from Wroclaw
Area: in all 12.500ha; 3000ha is forest
Accommodation: category "I" private house or Hotel in Oława
Game: Roebucks (average weight 300-350g) but there is possible to meet over 450g Driven-hunt for minimum 10 Hunters. Term November or December and January to establish. It is possibilities make 2 days driven-hunt in Bażant HC and 1 day of driven-hunt in neighborhood hunting area.
Details: It very interesting hunting area with many forest and many fields and meadow. On this area are average and very strong bucks. During roebucks hunt, you will have possibility to shoot wild-boars also. At the same time, in Bażant HC can hunt max 5-7 hunters during individual hunt and group 10-16 hunters during driven-hunt
We offer also driven-hunt where, usually, during 1 hunting day is possible to get at about 10 wild-boars on the row of game and reo-deer and red-deer also. There is very good hunt organization. Area is located very close to Wroclaw so it is possible to visit centrum city. We offer little pension or hotels or private house as accommodation place.
Our Hunting Office
"OSTOJA" Hunting Office Tel: +48 505084079, Tel: +48 507924005, Fax: +48 618436345, biuro@ostoja-hunting.pl