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home / hunting areas / North of Poland / Kwidzyn State Area
Kwidzyn State Area
Accommodation place S or I category
localization: It is located at about 100km south from Gdansk Airport
Area's size: in all 15.000ha, incl. 7.900ha forest. Rest consist of fields, swamps, meadows
game: Driven-hunt for: wild-boar, red-deer, roe-deer, predators
Accommodation: Pension in Laskowice cat S, Hotel in Kwidzyn cat S or Private house in Wandowo
description: It is flat area, located on north of Poland. This area is reach of game. There is shooting year to year 300Wild-boars, over 100 Red-deer, over 200 roe-deer. On this area is big chance to get big boar with medal tusk. You can shoot overthere red-stag even over 8kg but average weight is 5-6kg. It is beautiful hunting area with big mix forest (pine and leafs) . We offer there 2 driven-hunt days but 1-2 days more we can organize in similar good neighborhood area.
Accommodation places are in good quality. Single and double rooms with bathroom, TV
Pension in Laskowice is located on border of hunting area. Other places are located a few km from area.
Our Hunting Office
"OSTOJA" Hunting Office Tel: +48 505084079, Tel: +48 507924005, Fax: +48 618436345, biuro@ostoja-hunting.pl