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home / news / Driven-hunts in Goooood price
We would like to offer you very good driven-hunt.
We have avaliable areas in west-south region of Poland between Wroclaw and Gurlitz nad in north of Poland nearby Gdansk.
In both areas we offer wild-boar, red-deer, roe-deer and pradators.
4 nights, 3 hunting days with possibilities to prolong about 1 day.
Thease are areas where year to yaar are shooting at about 300 wild-boars.
If you need more information, please conatcat us: biuro@ostoja-hunting.pl or by phone: +48 505084079
Our Hunting Office
"OSTOJA" Hunting Office Tel: +48 505084079, Tel: +48 507924005, Fax: +48 618436345, biuro@ostoja-hunting.pl